Trending currencies

MOP conversion
The Macao pataca, Macau pataca, or Macanese pataca (Portuguese: Pataca de Macau; Chinese: 澳門圓;...
BYN exchange rate
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
INR conversion
The Indian rupee (sign: ; code: INR), is the official currency of the Republic of India. The...
AFN exchange rate
The afghani (sign: Afs; Pashto: افغانۍ; Dari افغانی; code: AFN) is the currency of Afghanistan....
FJD conversion
The Fijian dollar (currency sign: FJ$, $; currency code: FJD) has been the currency of Fiji since...
MWK exchange rate
The kwacha (/ˈkwætʃə/; ISO 4217: MWK, official name Malawi Kwacha) is the currency of Malawi as...
ERN conversion
The nakfa (ISO 4217 code: ERN) is the currency of Eritrea and was introduced on 8 November 1997...
BSD exchange rate
The dollar (sign: $; code: BSD) has been the currency of The Bahamas since 1966. It is normally...
CHF exchange rate
The franc (sign: Fr. or SFr. or FS; German: Franken, French and Romansh: franc, Italian: franco;...
NGN conversion
The naira (sign: ; code: NGN) is the currency of Nigeria. It is subdivided into 100 Kobo. The...
RSD exchange rate
The dinar (sr.(dinar); pronounced [dînaːr]; paucal: dinara / динара) is the currency of Serbia....
KES conversion
The shilling (sign: KSh; code: KES) is the currency of Kenya. It is divisible into 100 cents.
JEP exchange rate
The pound is the currency of Jersey. Jersey is in currency union with the United Kingdom, and the...
CAD exchange rate
The Canadian dollar (symbol: $; code: CAD) (French: Dollar canadien) is the currency of Canada....
ALL conversion
The lek (Albanian: Leku Shqiptar; plural lekë) (sign: L; code: ALL) is the official currency of...
BDT exchange rate
The Bangladeshi taka (Bengali: টাকা, sign: or Tk, code: BDT) is the currency of the People's...
CUC conversion
The convertible peso (sometimes given as CUC$ and informally called a cuc or a chavito) is one of...

Currency converter