Trending currencies

MVR exchange rate
The Maldivian rufiyaa (Maldivian: ދިވެހި ރުފިޔާ; sign: Rf or .ރ; code: MVR) is the currency of...
ARS conversion
The peso (established as the peso convertible) is the currency of Argentina, identified by the...
CUP exchange rate
The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national currency" or in Spanish moneda...
LYD conversion
The dinar (Arabic: دينار dīnār) is the currency of Libya. Its ISO 4217 code is "LYD". The dinar...
MUR exchange rate
The Rupee (sign: ; ISO 4217 code: MUR) is the currency of Mauritius. Several other currencies are...
BYN exchange rate
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
SYP conversion
The Syrian pound or Syrian Lira (Arabic: الليرة السورية al-līra as-sūriyya; French: livre...
SRD exchange rate
The dollar (ISO 4217 code SRD) has been the currency of Suriname since 2004. It is divided into...
AMD conversion
The dram (Armenian: Դրամ; sign: ; code: AMD) is the monetary unit of Armenia. It is subdivided...
HRK exchange rate
The kuna is the currency of Croatia, in use since 1994 (ISO 4217 code: HRK). It is subdivided...
UYU conversion
This article is about the present currency of Uruguay. For Uruguay's earlier monetary history,...
XAU exchange rate
Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest...
BGN conversion
The lev (Bulgarian: лев, plural: лева, левове / leva, levove) is the currency of Bulgaria. It is...
TZS conversion
For earlier currencies used in Tanzania, see East African florin, East African rupee, East...
ZMW exchange rate
The Kwacha (ISO 4217 code: ZMW) is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 Ngwee.
EGP conversion
The Egyptian pound (Egyptian Arabic: جنيه مصرى Genēh Maṣri [ɡeˈneː(h) ˈmɑsˤɾi]; sign: E, ج.م;...
RWF exchange rate
The Rwandan franc (sign: FRw, and possibly RF or R; ISO 4217: RWF) is the currency of Rwanda. It...

Currency converter