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Trending currencies

USD exchange rate
The United States dollar (sign: $; code: USD; also abbreviated US$ and referred to as the dollar,...
HNL conversion
The lempira (/lɛmˈpɪrə/, sign: L, ISO 4217 code: HNL) is the currency of Honduras. It is...
KYD exchange rate
The Cayman Islands Dollar (currency code KYD) is the currency of the Cayman Islands. It is...
CUP conversion
The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national currency" or in Spanish moneda...
PHP exchange rate
The Philippine peso (Philippine English pronunciation: /ˈpɛsoʊ/; Filipino: piso [ˈpiso] or...
UGX conversion
The shilling (sign: USh; code: UGX) is the currency of Uganda. Officially divided into cents...
BOB exchange rate
The boliviano (sign: Bs. or Bs; ISO 4217 code: BOB) is the currency of Bolivia. It is divided...
MDL conversion
The leu (ISO 4217 code MDL) is the currency of Moldova. Like the Romanian leu, the Moldovan leu...
NAD exchange rate
The Namibian dollar (symbol: $; code: NAD) has been the currency of Namibia since 1993. It is...
VUV conversion
The vatu (sign: VT; ISO 4217: VUV) is the currency of Vanuatu. The vatu has no subdivisions.
DZD exchange rate
The dinar (Arabic: دينار) (sign: د.ج or DA; code: DZD) is the currency of Algeria and it is...
TRY conversion
The Turkish lira (Turkish: Türk lirası; sign: ; code: TRY; usually abbreviated as TL) is the...
GBP exchange rate
The pound sterling (symbol: ; ISO code: GBP [Great Britain Pound]), commonly known as the pound,...
PKR conversion
The Pakistani rupee (Urdu: روپیہ / ALA-LC: Rūpiyah; sign: ; code: PKR) is the currency of...
MAD exchange rate
The dirham (Arabic: درهم), plural: (Arabic: دراهم), is the currency of Morocco. The plural form...
IDR exchange rate
The rupiah (Rp) is the official currency of Indonesia. Issued and controlled by the Bank of...
CRC conversion
The colón (named after Christopher Columbus, known as Cristóbal Colón in Spanish) is the currency...

Currency converter