Trending currencies

CZK conversion
The koruna (sign: Kč; code: CZK) is the currency of the Czech Republic since 1993, and in English...
GGP exchange rate
The pound is the currency of Guernsey. Since 1921, Guernsey has been in currency union with the...
SGD conversion
The Singaporean dollar (Malay: Ringgit Singapura, sign: $; code: SGD) is the official currency of...
AOA exchange rate
The kwanza (sign: Kz; ISO 4217 code: AOA) is the currency of Angola. Four different currencies...
XPT conversion
Platinum is a chemical element with symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It is a dense, malleable,...
BAM exchange rate
The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (Bosnian and Serbian: konvertibilna marka /...
RWF conversion
The Rwandan franc (sign: FRw, and possibly RF or R; ISO 4217: RWF) is the currency of Rwanda. It...
BDT exchange rate
The Bangladeshi taka (Bengali: টাকা, sign: or Tk, code: BDT) is the currency of the People's...
SYP conversion
The Syrian pound or Syrian Lira (Arabic: الليرة السورية al-līra as-sūriyya; French: livre...
ZMW exchange rate
The Kwacha (ISO 4217 code: ZMW) is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 Ngwee.
KES conversion
The shilling (sign: KSh; code: KES) is the currency of Kenya. It is divisible into 100 cents.
SLL exchange rate
The leone is the currency of Sierra Leone. It is subdivided into 100 cents. The ISO 4217 code is...
RUB conversion
The Russian ruble (Russian: рубль rublʹ; plural: рубли rubli; sign: , руб; code: RUB) is the...
KPW exchange rate
The won (/wʌn/; Korean: 원, Korean pronunciation: [wʌn]; symbol: ; code: KPW) or Korean People's...
LRD conversion
The dollar (currency code LRD) has been the currency of Liberia since 1943. It was also the...
BGN exchange rate
The lev (Bulgarian: лев, plural: лева, левове / leva, levove) is the currency of Bulgaria. It is...
SHP conversion
The Saint Helena pound (also called simply "pound") is the currency of the Atlantic islands of...

Currency converter