Trending currencies

MUR exchange rate
The Rupee (sign: ; ISO 4217 code: MUR) is the currency of Mauritius. Several other currencies are...
PYG conversion
The guaraní (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡwaɾaˈni], plural: guaraníes; sign: ; code: PYG) is the...
ZWD exchange rate
The Zimbabwean dollar (sign: $, or Z$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies)...
IQD conversion
The Dinar (Arabic pronunciation: [diːˈnɑːr]) (Arabic: دينار, [(sign: د.ع; code: IQD) is the...
VEF exchange rate
The bolívar fuerte (sign: Bs.F. or Bs.; plural: bolívares fuertes; ISO 4217 code: VEF) has been...
BAM exchange rate
The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (Bosnian and Serbian: konvertibilna marka /...
UAH exchange rate
The hryvnia, sometimes hryvnya (Ukrainian: гривня, pronounced [ˈɦrɪuɲɑ], abbr.: грн (hrn in Latin...
CLP conversion
The peso is the currency of Chile. The current peso has circulated since 1975, with a previous...
TND exchange rate
The dinar (Arabic: دينار, ISO 4217 currency code: TND) is the currency of Tunisia. It is...
CRC conversion
The colón (named after Christopher Columbus, known as Cristóbal Colón in Spanish) is the currency...
RUB exchange rate
The Russian ruble (Russian: рубль rublʹ; plural: рубли rubli; sign: , руб; code: RUB) is the...
KES conversion
The shilling (sign: KSh; code: KES) is the currency of Kenya. It is divisible into 100 cents.
KHR exchange rate
The riel (Khmer: រៀល; sign: ; code: KHR) is the currency of Cambodia. There have been two...
BYR conversion
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
KZT exchange rate
The tenge (Kazakh: теңге, teñge) is the currency of Kazakhstan. It is divided into 100 tïın...
MMK conversion
The kyat (/kiˈɑːt/, US /ˈtʃɑːt/ or /ˈkjɑːt/; Burmese: ကျပ [tɕaʔ]; ISO 4217 code MMK) is the...
VUV exchange rate
The vatu (sign: VT; ISO 4217: VUV) is the currency of Vanuatu. The vatu has no subdivisions.
NOK conversion
The krone [ˈkɾuːnə] (sign: kr; code: NOK), plural kroner, is the currency of Norway and its...

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