Trending currencies

CAD exchange rate
The Canadian dollar (symbol: $; code: CAD) (French: Dollar canadien) is the currency of Canada....
MZN conversion
The metical (plural: meticais) is the currency of Mozambique, abbreviated with the symbol MZN or...
MDL exchange rate
The leu (ISO 4217 code MDL) is the currency of Moldova. Like the Romanian leu, the Moldovan leu...
XAU conversion
Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest...
MKD exchange rate
The denar (plural: denari, Macedonian: денар and денари, denar and denari, ISO 4217 code: MKD) is...
XAF conversion
The Central African CFA franc (French: franc CFA or simply franc, ISO 4217 code: XAF) is the...
XAG exchange rate
Silver is a metallic element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47. The symbol Ag stems from Latin...
PKR conversion
The Pakistani rupee (Urdu: روپیہ / ALA-LC: Rūpiyah; sign: ; code: PKR) is the currency of...
CUP exchange rate
The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national currency" or in Spanish moneda...
XOF exchange rate
The West African CFA franc (French: franc CFA; Portuguese: franco CFA or simply franc, ISO 4217...
TND conversion
The dinar (Arabic: دينار, ISO 4217 currency code: TND) is the currency of Tunisia. It is...
ZMW exchange rate
The Kwacha (ISO 4217 code: ZMW) is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 Ngwee.
KHR conversion
The riel (Khmer: រៀល; sign: ; code: KHR) is the currency of Cambodia. There have been two...
GGP exchange rate
The pound is the currency of Guernsey. Since 1921, Guernsey has been in currency union with the...
SHP conversion
The Saint Helena pound (also called simply "pound") is the currency of the Atlantic islands of...
MGA exchange rate
The ariary (sign: Ar; ISO 4217 code MGA) is the currency of Madagascar. It is subdivided into 5...
IQD exchange rate
The Dinar (Arabic pronunciation: [diːˈnɑːr]) (Arabic: دينار, [(sign: د.ع; code: IQD) is the...

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