Trending currencies

KYD exchange rate
The Cayman Islands Dollar (currency code KYD) is the currency of the Cayman Islands. It is...
MUR conversion
The Rupee (sign: ; ISO 4217 code: MUR) is the currency of Mauritius. Several other currencies are...
BHD exchange rate
The dinar (Arabic: دينار Dīnār Baḥrēnī) (sign: .د.ب or BD; code: BHD) is the currency of Bahrain....
DJF conversion
The Djiboutian franc (Arabic: فرنك) is the currency of Djibouti. Its ISO 4217 currency code is...
SGD exchange rate
The Singaporean dollar (Malay: Ringgit Singapura, sign: $; code: SGD) is the official currency of...
HRK conversion
The kuna is the currency of Croatia, in use since 1994 (ISO 4217 code: HRK). It is subdivided...
TZS exchange rate
For earlier currencies used in Tanzania, see East African florin, East African rupee, East...
ZWD conversion
The Zimbabwean dollar (sign: $, or Z$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies)...
KGS exchange rate
The som (Kyrgyz: сом, sometimes transliterated as "sum" or "soum") is the currency of the Kyrgyz...
RUB exchange rate
The Russian ruble (Russian: рубль rublʹ; plural: рубли rubli; sign: , руб; code: RUB) is the...
MWK conversion
The kwacha (/ˈkwætʃə/; ISO 4217: MWK, official name Malawi Kwacha) is the currency of Malawi as...
TTD exchange rate
The dollar (currency code TTD) is the currency of Trinidad and Tobago. It is normally abbreviated...
BYR conversion
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
NPR exchange rate
The Nepalese rupee (Nepali: रूपैयाँ, symbol: रू, Rs.; ISO 4217: NPR) is the official currency of...
SOS conversion
The Somali shilling (sign: Sh.So.; Somali: shilin; Arabic: شلن; Italian: scellino; ISO 4217 code:...
GYD exchange rate
The Guyanese dollar (currency sign: $, G$ and GY$; ISO: GYD) has been the unit of account in...
LRD conversion
The dollar (currency code LRD) has been the currency of Liberia since 1943. It was also the...
MAD exchange rate
The dirham (Arabic: درهم), plural: (Arabic: دراهم), is the currency of Morocco. The plural form...
SRD conversion
The dollar (ISO 4217 code SRD) has been the currency of Suriname since 2004. It is divided into...

Currency converter