Trending currencies

BAM conversion
The Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (Bosnian and Serbian: konvertibilna marka /...
ZWD exchange rate
The Zimbabwean dollar (sign: $, or Z$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies)...
CZK conversion
The koruna (sign: Kč; code: CZK) is the currency of the Czech Republic since 1993, and in English...
HKD exchange rate
The Hong Kong dollar (Chinese: 港元; Jyutping: gong2 jyun4; lit. "Harbour Money"; sign: $, HK$;...
RUB conversion
The Russian ruble (Russian: рубль rublʹ; plural: рубли rubli; sign: , руб; code: RUB) is the...
DOP exchange rate
The Dominican peso is the currency of the Dominican Republic (Spanish: República Dominicana). Its...
MWK conversion
The kwacha (/ˈkwætʃə/; ISO 4217: MWK, official name Malawi Kwacha) is the currency of Malawi as...
JPY conversion
The yen (Japanese: 円, Hepburn: en, symbol: ; code: JPY) is the official currency of Japan. It is...
STD exchange rate
The dobra is the currency of São Tomé and Príncipe. It is abbreviated Db and is divided into 100...
XAG conversion
Silver is a metallic element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47. The symbol Ag stems from Latin...
MGA exchange rate
The ariary (sign: Ar; ISO 4217 code MGA) is the currency of Madagascar. It is subdivided into 5...
TWD conversion
The New Taiwan dollar has been the currency of Taiwan since 1949, when it replaced the Old Taiwan...
GBP exchange rate
The pound sterling (symbol: ; ISO code: GBP [Great Britain Pound]), commonly known as the pound,...
OMR exchange rate
The rial (Arabic: ريال, ISO 4217 code OMR) is the currency of Oman. It is divided into 1000 baisa...
XOF conversion
The West African CFA franc (French: franc CFA; Portuguese: franco CFA or simply franc, ISO 4217...
SLL exchange rate
The leone is the currency of Sierra Leone. It is subdivided into 100 cents. The ISO 4217 code is...

Currency converter