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Trending currencies

KMF exchange rate
The franc (French: franc comorien; Arabic: فرنك قمري) (ISO 4217 currency code KMF) is the...
ZWD conversion
The Zimbabwean dollar (sign: $, or Z$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies)...
ALL conversion
The lek (Albanian: Leku Shqiptar; plural lekë) (sign: L; code: ALL) is the official currency of...
RWF exchange rate
The Rwandan franc (sign: FRw, and possibly RF or R; ISO 4217: RWF) is the currency of Rwanda. It...
INR conversion
The Indian rupee (sign: ; code: INR), is the official currency of the Republic of India. The...
HRK exchange rate
The kuna is the currency of Croatia, in use since 1994 (ISO 4217 code: HRK). It is subdivided...
TOP conversion
The paʻanga is the currency of Tonga. It is controlled by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga...
XDR exchange rate
Special Drawing Rights (ISO 4217 currency code XDR, also abbreviated SDR) are supplementary...
PYG conversion
The guaraní (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡwaɾaˈni], plural: guaraníes; sign: ; code: PYG) is the...
NGN exchange rate
The naira (sign: ; code: NGN) is the currency of Nigeria. It is subdivided into 100 Kobo. The...
UYU conversion
This article is about the present currency of Uruguay. For Uruguay's earlier monetary history,...
RUB conversion
The Russian ruble (Russian: рубль rublʹ; plural: рубли rubli; sign: , руб; code: RUB) is the...
AFN exchange rate
The afghani (sign: Afs; Pashto: افغانۍ; Dari افغانی; code: AFN) is the currency of Afghanistan....
TMT conversion
The manat is the currency of Turkmenistan. It was introduced on 1 November 1993, replacing the...
TVD exchange rate
The dollar is the currency of Tuvalu. From 1966 to 1976, Tuvalu officially used the Australian...
ZMW conversion
The Kwacha (ISO 4217 code: ZMW) is the currency of Zambia. It is subdivided into 100 Ngwee.
VND exchange rate
The đồng (/dɒŋ/; Vietnamese: [ˀɗɜwŋm]; sign: ; code: VND) has been the currency of Vietnam since...

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