Trending currencies

PKR conversion
The Pakistani rupee (Urdu: روپیہ / ALA-LC: Rūpiyah; sign: ; code: PKR) is the currency of...
USD exchange rate
The United States dollar (sign: $; code: USD; also abbreviated US$ and referred to as the dollar,...
XOF exchange rate
The West African CFA franc (French: franc CFA; Portuguese: franco CFA or simply franc, ISO 4217...
CVE conversion
The escudo (sign: ; ISO 4217: CVE) is the currency of the Republic of Cape Verde. Amounts are...
MAD exchange rate
The dirham (Arabic: درهم), plural: (Arabic: دراهم), is the currency of Morocco. The plural form...
TND conversion
The dinar (Arabic: دينار, ISO 4217 currency code: TND) is the currency of Tunisia. It is...
BBD exchange rate
The dollar has been the currency of Barbados since 1935. The present dollar has the ISO 4217 code...
SPL conversion
The Seborga luigino is the local currency of the micronation of Seborga. Its subunit is the...
GEL conversion
The lari (Georgian: ლარი; ISO 4217: GEL) is the currency of Georgia. It is divided into 100...
BTC exchange rate
Bitcoin is both a cryptocurrency and an electronic payment system:3 invented by an unidentified...
NZD conversion
The New Zealand dollar (sign: $; code: NZD) (Māori: Tāra o Aotearoa) is the currency and legal...
ALL exchange rate
The lek (Albanian: Leku Shqiptar; plural lekë) (sign: L; code: ALL) is the official currency of...
AMD conversion
The dram (Armenian: Դրամ; sign: ; code: AMD) is the monetary unit of Armenia. It is subdivided...
TVD exchange rate
The dollar is the currency of Tuvalu. From 1966 to 1976, Tuvalu officially used the Australian...
DJF conversion
The Djiboutian franc (Arabic: فرنك) is the currency of Djibouti. Its ISO 4217 currency code is...
RON exchange rate
The Romanian leu, Romanian Lion (Romanian pronunciation: [lew], plural lei [lej]; ISO 4217 code...
SRD conversion
The dollar (ISO 4217 code SRD) has been the currency of Suriname since 2004. It is divided into...

Currency converter