Trending currencies

AOA exchange rate
The kwanza (sign: Kz; ISO 4217 code: AOA) is the currency of Angola. Four different currencies...
BIF conversion
The franc (ISO 4217 code is BIF) is the currency of Burundi. It is nominally subdivided into 100...
BDT conversion
The Bangladeshi taka (Bengali: টাকা, sign: or Tk, code: BDT) is the currency of the People's...
KMF exchange rate
The franc (French: franc comorien; Arabic: فرنك قمري) (ISO 4217 currency code KMF) is the...
DZD conversion
The dinar (Arabic: دينار) (sign: د.ج or DA; code: DZD) is the currency of Algeria and it is...
NGN conversion
The naira (sign: ; code: NGN) is the currency of Nigeria. It is subdivided into 100 Kobo. The...
MGA exchange rate
The ariary (sign: Ar; ISO 4217 code MGA) is the currency of Madagascar. It is subdivided into 5...
SEK conversion
The krona (Swedish: [ˈkruːˈna]; plural: kronor; sign: kr; code: SEK) has been the currency of...
BYR exchange rate
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
GHS conversion
The Ghanaian cedi (currency sign: GH; currency code: GHS) is the unit of currency of Ghana. It is...
BZD exchange rate
The Belize dollar is the official currency in Belize (currency code BZD). It is normally...
TJS conversion
The somoni (Tajik: cомонӣ, ISO 4217 code: TJS) is the currency of Tajikistan. It is subdivided...
XAU exchange rate
Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest...
XAG conversion
Silver is a metallic element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47. The symbol Ag stems from Latin...
MZN exchange rate
The metical (plural: meticais) is the currency of Mozambique, abbreviated with the symbol MZN or...
GIP conversion
The Gibraltar pound (currency sign: ; banking code: GIP) is the currency of Gibraltar. It is...
DJF exchange rate
The Djiboutian franc (Arabic: فرنك) is the currency of Djibouti. Its ISO 4217 currency code is...
CUP conversion
The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national currency" or in Spanish moneda...

Currency converter