Trending currencies

TTD exchange rate
The dollar (currency code TTD) is the currency of Trinidad and Tobago. It is normally abbreviated...
MRO conversion
The ouguiya (sign: UM; Arabic: أوقية; currency code: MRO), also spelt "ougiya", is the currency...
XCD exchange rate
The Eastern Caribbean dollar (symbol: $; code: XCD) is the currency of all seven full members and...
MXN conversion
The Mexican peso (sign: $; code: MXN) is the currency of Mexico. Modern peso and dollar...
GNF exchange rate
The Guinean franc (French: franc guinéen, ISO 4217 code: GNF) is the currency of Guinea.
PKR conversion
The Pakistani rupee (Urdu: روپیہ / ALA-LC: Rūpiyah; sign: ; code: PKR) is the currency of...
PHP exchange rate
The Philippine peso (Philippine English pronunciation: /ˈpɛsoʊ/; Filipino: piso [ˈpiso] or...
AZN conversion
The manat (code: AZN) is the currency of Azerbaijan. It is subdivided into 100 qəpik. The word...
AMD exchange rate
The dram (Armenian: Դրամ; sign: ; code: AMD) is the monetary unit of Armenia. It is subdivided...
KES conversion
The shilling (sign: KSh; code: KES) is the currency of Kenya. It is divisible into 100 cents.
GIP exchange rate
The Gibraltar pound (currency sign: ; banking code: GIP) is the currency of Gibraltar. It is...
BIF conversion
The franc (ISO 4217 code is BIF) is the currency of Burundi. It is nominally subdivided into 100...
XPD exchange rate
Palladium is a chemical element with symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a rare and lustrous...
KGS conversion
The som (Kyrgyz: сом, sometimes transliterated as "sum" or "soum") is the currency of the Kyrgyz...
VND exchange rate
The đồng (/dɒŋ/; Vietnamese: [ˀɗɜwŋm]; sign: ; code: VND) has been the currency of Vietnam since...
MDL conversion
The leu (ISO 4217 code MDL) is the currency of Moldova. Like the Romanian leu, the Moldovan leu...
BSD exchange rate
The dollar (sign: $; code: BSD) has been the currency of The Bahamas since 1966. It is normally...
BMD conversion
The Bermudian dollar (symbol: $; code: BMD; also abbreviated BD$; informally called the Bermuda...
BOB conversion
The boliviano (sign: Bs. or Bs; ISO 4217 code: BOB) is the currency of Bolivia. It is divided...

Currency converter