Trending currencies

XCD conversion
The Eastern Caribbean dollar (symbol: $; code: XCD) is the currency of all seven full members and...
BYR conversion
The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, plural: рублі rubli, genitive plural: рублёў...
BHD exchange rate
The dinar (Arabic: دينار Dīnār Baḥrēnī) (sign: .د.ب or BD; code: BHD) is the currency of Bahrain....
VND exchange rate
The đồng (/dɒŋ/; Vietnamese: [ˀɗɜwŋm]; sign: ; code: VND) has been the currency of Vietnam since...
IMP exchange rate
The Manx pound (Manx: Punt Manninagh) is the currency of the Isle of Man, in parity with the...
XPF conversion
The CFP franc (called the franc in everyday use) is the currency used in the French overseas...
IQD exchange rate
The Dinar (Arabic pronunciation: [diːˈnɑːr]) (Arabic: دينار, [(sign: د.ع; code: IQD) is the...
CVE conversion
The escudo (sign: ; ISO 4217: CVE) is the currency of the Republic of Cape Verde. Amounts are...
MKD exchange rate
The denar (plural: denari, Macedonian: денар and денари, denar and denari, ISO 4217 code: MKD) is...
DOP conversion
The Dominican peso is the currency of the Dominican Republic (Spanish: República Dominicana). Its...
KGS exchange rate
The som (Kyrgyz: сом, sometimes transliterated as "sum" or "soum") is the currency of the Kyrgyz...
BZD conversion
The Belize dollar is the official currency in Belize (currency code BZD). It is normally...
BBD conversion
The dollar has been the currency of Barbados since 1935. The present dollar has the ISO 4217 code...
MGA exchange rate
The ariary (sign: Ar; ISO 4217 code MGA) is the currency of Madagascar. It is subdivided into 5...
CDF conversion
The franc is the currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is subdivided into 100...

Currency converter